Food Is Medicine

Food is Medicine- said the leading grandfather of Medicine Hippocrates. And we know this to be true on many levels.

Now we have the term Nutrigenomics- meaning “food talking to our genes”- this can be health promoting foods AND also junk foods (giving the signals to fire on the wrong genes!)

This science focussing on increasing the health promoting foods which provide a wide variety of essential nutrients and minerals along with the correct signals for our genes to activate health.

Dr Terry Wahls, a pioneer in promoting foods as medicine- along with books and courses on how to reverse MS and autoimmune disease, first highlighted the theory of we all have genes (good & bad) but its the environment that pulls the trigger. Hence what we do, our lifestyle choices and food choices are the major player in activating the gene pathways that bring about disease.

I wholeheartedly agree with this theory, and have proven this with my own health , along with reversing thyroid issues in myself and others. You can’t outrun a bad diet- as we know its 80% food and 20% exercise that contribute to health. So as always a diet rich in vegetables, filled with micronutrients, a variety of colours, good sources of protein and healthy fats and UNPROCESSED foods is vital to sustaining health. Plants are rich in signalling molecules and prebiotic fibres to enhance gut health.

Good quality supplements, that have been tested and proven to work are also vitally important to your health. Lots of poor quality, non science based products are readily available and generally cheaper than the quality we share as Naturopaths. Unfortunately the cheaper products may not have a therapeutic dose and can be filled with many ingredients, not suitable to your body.

If you feed your body the right signals, the human body is capable of restoring the imbalance and function. Utilising food and the best quality supplements- which may only be needed until the body corrects itself- you can regain optimal health. The key is correcting the underlying core imbalances to the Gut-Immune interface which impacts the whole body.

Look out for my upcoming Reset your Gut Health program to achieve better health.

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These are my favourite easy to make recipes to help you start the process of healing your gut. 
Delicious and nutritious – even your kids will love them!