Why Dairy and Gluten can cause issues for your gut health.

Casomorphins and Gluten exorphins- What are these?

They sound addictive? Like drugs!

Pretty much! You often hear us Naturopaths and Nutritionists say “ I would like you to avoid Gluten and Dairy (casein is the protein in dairy – lactose is the sugar, gluten is the protein in wheat products) for a while -or forever for some people”.

Now, most people due to many marketing tools and convenience- eat BOTH daily and have done their WHOLE lives.  But if we keep doing the same things or eating the same things over and over and EXPECTING a different result – well that’s just crazy! The road is hard if we want change and results. And to do that sometimes we ask you to eliminate these foods- for many reasons, but here is one.

Casein in dairy contains fragments called Casomorphins, which is a morphine-like compound which acts like an opiate and attaches to brain receptors that other narcotics and drugs attach to. So yes, it  is addictive!

Gluten also contains exorphins- several morphine-like substances have proven opioid effects which reach the brain receptors as like casein, but also destroy the gastrointestinal lining and functions- resulting in Intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and other digestive issues, mood disorders, muscle aches, inflammation, hormonal changes and more.

This is also very real for our children who eat these and then express unusual or angry behaviours and even worse if on the spectrum.

So if you want results- sometimes it means choosing the hard road- even though now there are many options and alternatives to dairy and gluten (and I am not talking the GF options of everything) I mean real food. Sometimes its good to transition with the GF alternatives, but there is so much other processed rubbish is these, it can still leave your gut in strife!

And some people can eat a small of gluten after eliminating it for some time- others can NOT- it can set you back 6 months with just “that little treat from muffin break”.

Its easier to do now, we have all the options and tools to help you beat the addiction and HEAL your gut and your life. 😊


These are my favourite easy to make recipes to help you start the process of healing your gut. 
Delicious and nutritious – even your kids will love them!